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  • Writer's pictureGabriella Tantillo

How to Manage Your Chronic Illness and Live the Life You Want to Live

Having a chronic illness usually doesn’t get easier. Considering it is a life-long illness the struggles can be tougher as the years go on and trying different treatment methods and adjusting to them can take a while. 

It is hard some days to do things, if I’m feeling weak or more tired than usual that day. So, some days I can’t do all of the things that I wanted to do. For me, sometimes when I’m not able to get done all the things that are on my to-do-list I start to get frustrated. Sometimes, even when I accomplish some things on the list and there’s a few things left I still end up unhappy at times. Some of the time I can’t finish all of the things because I had to take more time doing other things and it took longer than expected. There are also time when I’m not feeling well medically or I get too tired to finish the list. So, when this happens I tend to not even look at the things that I’ve already accomplished and I dwell on the unfinished things. 

After so many times of doing that, I finally realized that I was doing that. They say consistency is key to forming a habit and I started to become consistent with that way of thinking. When I did realize that, I was happy. I was happy because I caught myself not even rewarding myself for what I did complete already. Now, I’m not saying I still don’t think this way. I do it pretty often still and I try my best to look at what I have accomplished. Something that has changed is that I pick up on it quicker. I know when I am going down that path of low self-confidence and not realizing my achievements. It is hard to not overthink so I am more mindful of my thought process and I always try to catch myself and realize the things that I have accomplished. 

One thing that helps me a lot is, the Google Calendar App. I use this and type out my routines and things that I need to do. When I am finished with a task, I simply swipe right and at the top of each day it tells you the number of things you have already completed. A visual representation helps me see the hard work that I have done and I am more appreciative of the hard work that I have done. Self-love and self-care is very important to me and giving my self credit for my accomplishments is a key component to self-love and self-care. It helps me be more mindful of what I can do and just how capable I am of doing many things. 

I hope this blog post helps someone that is struggling with giving themselves credit from time to time! You are a hard worker, you deserve credit for your accomplishments, and don’t forget about having self-love and knowing that you are amazing!! 

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