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Hi!! Welcome!! Everybody has their own unique story about the obstacles they have been through and are currently going through. I still face my obstacles everyday. I believe that with a great amount of faith and courage, anything that we put our minds to can happen if we believe in ourselves. We can be successful if we keep climbing that mountain and keeping faith that "ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!" I believe that everyone in this world has a special gift and talent that God has given to them, but a lot of people don't use their full potential to do what they want because of obstacles that get in the way. All you need is a little motivation and belief in yourself and "ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!!"


I have been dealing with epilepsy for about 4 years of my life now. Epilepsy is a chronic illness where there is abnormal electrical activity in the brain which causes seizures. This chronic illness can interfere emotionally and physically to the person suffering from this illness. It is hard to deal with, but at the same time it has taught me a lot about myself. I have found that there will be obstacles in life, such as numerous hospital visits and different treatments and feeling that things don't always go the way that we plan them to. On the other hand, I have also discovered that when things change when we least expect them to; that acceptance is a key factor to learn and make the best of the situation. The journey is never easy. It will often be challenging for someone dealing with a chronic illness, but when you have faith and learn to love yourself, you can be successful and become the truly amazing person that you were made to be!!



The main goal of Chronically Beautiful GT is to share my talents and express myself to other people and give others motivation to live up to their full potential, as well as sharing my gifts that God gave me and help others through my writing, painting, music, playing instruments and podcasts etc. in hopes to inspire others to chase their dreams despite what they are going through. With this website, blog, store for merchandise and handmade paintings and motivational tips and numerous projects that I am continuously working on to make my dreams and goals come true, I am here to express and share my talents with people around the world to share that even though I have struggles and battles I am beautiful and talented and have many gifts!! So do you and so does everyone!! I strive to try to make people smile, laugh and be happy with who they are and find self-love. I want to help everyone, people with chronic illnesses and also without. I especially want to help those with epilepsy; like myself and help the epilepsy community. My goal is to spread POSITIVITY. I want to help you believe in yourself and find your strengths ad talents. I have noticed that sometimes when we are going through tough times, we tend to only focus on that negative thing and dwell on it. Though it can be hard, there are so many talented people in this world that are capable of doing unimaginable things, while they are battling different things. It is all about believing in yourself and self love!!


"Self love is the strongest trait a person can have. It is confidence and acceptance in yourself and loving God completely and trusting in him will allow you to love yourself completely. Support and help the people around you, make corny jokes, chase the dreams you've always wanted to and laugh and love all the time. Love yourself and don't let anyone tell you who you are, then love can be spread in the world."  -Gabriella Tantillo

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